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Dentistry Tips: How to Soothe a Teething Baby

April 3, 2023

Teething is an inevitable part of your baby’s development. The emergence of their first set of teeth marks a new, exciting period for your kid’s life and signals it’s time to visit a dentist for children in Smyrna for the first time. Sadly, your baby may not be as happy with all of that.

Teething can be painful for kids and nerve-wracking for parents who have a hard time calming a fussy baby. To make matters worse, not every piece of advice you see online for soothing babies experiencing tooth growth is trustworthy. So, to help you understand this process better and learn how to help your little one, here are some tips.

Baby About to Visit a Dentistry for Children in Smyrna

What Is Teething?

Teething, also called odontiasis, is the period of time when a baby's first teeth erupt through the gums, usually in pairs. The first primary teeth to erupt are the mandibular central incisors, typically between the ages of 6 and 10 months. For all 20 teeth to fully erupt, it may require several years.

Despite the teething process sometimes being referred to as "cutting teeth," the truth is that teeth do not sever tissue. Rather, the body releases hormones that lead to the death and separation of some gum tissue, making room for the teeth. Still, that does not imply that there is no discomfort.

In addition to being uncomfortable, teething can cause irritability, excessive chewing and drooling, and restlessness at night. It may even result in sore and swollen gums as well as a low-grade fever, around 101 degrees Fahrenheit.

So, it makes sense that, during this time, your baby is fussier than always. To deal with it in a healthy way and provide them with some relief, here are some soothing tips.  

1. Give Them a Gum Massage

If your baby wakes you up screaming in the middle of the night, it may be because their gums are irritated and sore. Try giving them a soothing massage with a sturdy teething ring to help them relax.

Make sure to check the teething ring after each use to verify there are no broken pieces that could dislodge, become a choking hazard, and endanger the child.

2. Offer a Cooling Object

A cooling sensation is a great help for sore gums. You can comfort them with a clean, frozen washcloth, and they can chew on it as much as they want because you will not have to worry about the cloth getting dirty.

Simply take a clean washcloth, soak it in water, and let it sit in the freezer for at least half an hour or two. By having several washcloths ready in the freezer, you won’t have to rush around at two in the morning when your baby’s irritability suddenly spikes.  

3. Become Your Baby’s Chew Toy

Depending on whether this is your baby's first tooth, you might be able to touch its gums with your fingers. Just make sure you wash your fingers well before allowing them to play. For added comfort, dip your fingers in cool water.  

4. Apply Some Pressure

Massaging your baby's gums may bring sweet relief from teething pain. Wash your hands well before placing them in your infant's mouth. Then, gently press on your child's gums with your fingers.

5. Wipe and Repeat

Although drooling is not the primary source of pain for babies going through teething, leaving them with a wet face all day can result in rashes, which exacerbate the pain at night.

To help your child sleep better at night, try to keep their mouths as dry as possible during the day. Investing in sturdy bibs will also help prevent their drool from seeping through to the clothing underneath and leaving them wet all day.

Dentistry for Children in Smyrna Explains How to Soothe a Teething Baby

6. Try a Little White Noise

Sometimes, all you need to do is provide your baby with a small diversion to help them focus elsewhere. Although it might not work for every baby, placing a white noise machine in their nursery can help them nod off even in the middle of discomfort. Other options are whale noises or low jazz-like background music.

7. Avoid Over-the-Counter Remedies

Pediatric dentists' advice against getting over-the-counter remedies for teething. There is no proof of the effectiveness of homeopathic teething tablets or topical gels. Furthermore, higher concentrations of the belladonna ingredient—which can induce seizures and breathing difficulties—than stated in some homeopathic remedies were discovered through laboratory analysis.

Benzocaine- or lidocaine-containing pills can also be dangerous, even fatal, to your baby.

8. Avoid Teething Necklaces, Bracelets, or Anklets

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issues warnings against using teething jewelry, such as bracelets and necklaces made of wood, silicone, marble, or even amber. These elements may cause an infection in the sensitive gums, and if the necklace breaks, it can become a choking or strangulation hazard.

9. Maintain Your Baby’s Regular Bedtime Routine

While it may seem overwhelming, teething, like many other stages of your baby's development, is a transitory state of affairs. As tempting as it may be, resist the urge to allow teething to interfere with your baby's regular bedtime routine.  

Maintain the routine you have already set up as much as you can, and make every effort to keep your child as comfortable as possible so they can go to sleep.

10. Stay Calm

You can be confident that you are not the only parent to experience this. Furthermore, despite how difficult it may seem now, you will succeed! Remain calm, make sure your child is comfortable, and give them lots of hugs.  

Dentistry for Children in Smyrna Explaing Teething

Visit a Dentistry for Children in Smyrna

Watching your child grow and change is exciting. Conversely, though, the first few teeth are typically associated with the worst teething symptoms and the most disrupted sleep at night.  

Thankfully, there are steps you can take to lessen the pain and enable you and your infant to sleep. Reach out to Happy Harpeth Dentistry to set an appointment. That way, we can assess your child’s first teeth state and ensure everything is looking as it should.

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Dentistry Tips: How to Soothe a Teething Baby

April 3, 2023

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